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Address of Anton Dovhopod, Director of the Irpin Central City Hospital of the Irpin City Council of the Kyiv Region
Geographic features and natural resources of the community:
Address of Anton Dovhopod, Director of the Irpin Central City Hospital of the Irpin City Council of the Kyiv Region
Geographic features and natural resources of the community:
The opening of mammography and X-ray rooms at the primary healthcare centre in the village of Mykhailivka-Rubezhivka is a strategically important initiative that will not only improve the quality of healthcare but also help maintain and improve the health of the residents of this village and neighbouring villages, which is about 8,000 people.Improving access to medical diagnostics: opening of mammography and X-ray rooms at the primary healthcare centre will provide residents with the necessary services.The availability of mammography and X-ray rooms at the primary healthcare site will help reduce waiting times for examination for city residents. The availability of specialised rooms will ensure high-quality and professional examination of patients without the need to refer them to other facilities.The opening of such rooms will help to improve the prevention and early detection of various diseases, including cancer, which will significantly increase the chances of their successful treatment.Implementation of this idea will help attract additional specialists in the field of medical diagnostics and provide them with jobs at the primary healthcare site.
The city of Irpin and neighbouring communities have been affected by the hostilities and the population needs quality medical care. Internally displaced persons (IDPs) are also moving to the city and need rehabilitation. An important point is the upcoming return of combatants from the frontline. This necessitates the creation of a powerful national-level institution to provide medical rehabilitation services in a public-private partnership.An important advantage for investors will be the status of the centre's location as a recreational area, convenient logistics interchange, and an active marketing policy of the city with the city's positioning as a recreational area. A comprehensive rehabilitation centre is needed that would address the main issues of rehabilitation of the affected categories with further expansion of areas and an increase in the number of services, such as surgery, recovery from surgery, orthopedics, psychological condition, and ophthalmology.
The opening of mammography and X-ray rooms at the primary healthcare centre in the village of Mykhailivka-Rubezhivka is a strategically important initiative that will not only improve the quality of healthcare but also help maintain and improve the health of the residents of this village and neighbouring villages, which is about 8,000 people.
Improving access to medical diagnostics: opening of mammography and X-ray rooms at the primary healthcare centre will provide residents with the necessary services.
The availability of mammography and X-ray rooms at the primary healthcare site will help reduce waiting times for examination for city residents. The availability of specialised rooms will ensure high-quality and professional examination of patients without the need to refer them to other facilities.
The opening of such rooms will help to improve the prevention and early detection of various diseases, including cancer, which will significantly increase the chances of their successful treatment.
Implementation of this idea will help attract additional specialists in the field of medical diagnostics and provide them with jobs at the primary healthcare site.
The city of Irpin and neighbouring communities have been affected by the hostilities and the population needs quality medical care. Internally displaced persons (IDPs) are also moving to the city and need rehabilitation. An important point is the upcoming return of combatants from the frontline. This necessitates the creation of a powerful national-level institution to provide medical rehabilitation services in a public-private partnership.
An important advantage for investors will be the status of the centre's location as a recreational area, convenient logistics interchange, and an active marketing policy of the city with the city's positioning as a recreational area. A comprehensive rehabilitation centre is needed that would address the main issues of rehabilitation of the affected categories with further expansion of areas and an increase in the number of services, such as surgery, recovery from surgery, orthopedics, psychological condition, and ophthalmology.
Irpin team establishes international twinning with cities in Europe and the USA by forming economic unions.
During 2022-2023 Foundation got more then 31 million UAH. The Foundation donated more than 200,000 kg and 5,000 m2 of construction materials to rebuild the homes of the community's residents. Help from the Foundation received 1692 Irpin families to recover 66 private and apartment buildings.
On the example of Irpin, together with international partners, it has been developed a model for the restoration of Ukrainian cities, which the Irpin Recovery Foundation team has repeatedly presented at national and international forums to help restore the affected communities.
Today, the Irpin Recovery Foudation continues to work actively to attract international companies and donors to restore the city's social, critical and residential infrastructure and implement community development projects.
Doing business
In 2021, Irpin was ranked seventh in the rating of the best cities in Ukraine for doing business by Forbes Ukraine. Over the year, Irpin has risen from the 13th to the 7th place - this is the best positive dynamics in Ukraine.The rating was based on 10 criteria: «Business activity», «Regional Doing Business», «Purchasing power», «Transport connection», «Transparency of the city authorities , «Safety», «Education», «Pandemic readiness», «Migration attractiveness», and «Environmental situation».
Human potential
Irpin was ranked third in Ukraine in terms of purchasing power, fourth in terms of safety, and sixth in terms of transport accessibility. The city also received high scores on the following criteria «Environmental situation», «Bisiness activity» and «Regional Doing Business».Irpin is a city of comfort and longevity, even after the invasion and destruction. More than 25,000 internally displaced people from other regions, where the enemy has invaded, have chosen Irpin as their new home.
The biggest techno-industrial park in Kyiv region
At the territory of community there are several privately owned facilities to accommodate production. A project is being developed to build the largest technological and industrial park in the Kyiv region, which will create additional opportunities for attracting investment in the construction of building materials production in the community. Irpin has an ideal logistical location, with two international motorways and a separate intercity lane for connections to Kyiv. The city has a railway connection and an airport nearby.
Lands of community
The Programme for the Development of Land Relations for the Rational Use and Protection of City Community Land was approved. It will ensure:● guarantee of land rights● significant increase in the efficiency of land use● protection of the land fund● increase in budget revenues from land payments, sale of land plots and land lease rights● optimisation and ecologisation of land usage
Construction of medical center at Sadova Street in Irpin
Objective: Opening of a new state-of-the-art medical centre with an emergency department, gynaecology and maternity ward, children's hospital with intensive care unit, operating room, etc.
Partners: Irpin City Council, Socar company with support of the Government of Azerbaijan.
What has been done: Until 2022, funding was provided exclusively from the community budget - almost UAH 150 million. Currently, Socar, with the assistance of the Government of Azerbaijan, is reconstructing the health center, and for that project Azerbaijan partners are allocating UAH 60 million.
Reconstruction in the very short time of the infectious disease department of the Irpin City Central Hospital
Objective: Overcoming of the COVID-14
Partners: Irpin City Council and more then 20 charity organisations (business and private persons).
What has been done: 20 artificial lung ventilation devices were installed at the unit.
There are also 8 infusion machines, a portable mobile X-ray machine, a portable ultrasound machine, 6 monitors, 40 ultraviolet lamps with eye protection. Each box has an oxygen supply system (34 points in total), and an oxygen ramp equipped with an oxygen generator that produces 64 litres of oxygen per minute. Solar panels have already been installed on the roof of the facility.
Opening of the largest general practice outpatient clinic - family medicine.
Objective: Serving 18 thousand residents.Partners: Irpin City CouncilWhat has been done: Irpin Primary Healthcare Centre is among the top three in Ukraine.
Comprehensive Program "Health of the Irpin City Territorial Community"
The program aims to implement certain directions of health care development defined by the state, primarily driven by:- The need to realize the right of every citizen to inviolable and uninterrupted healthcare;- Strategic development of the community healthcare sector;- Differentiation of medical assistance into primary and secondary care;- Creating conditions for strengthening and preserving the health of the population, as well as increasing the efficiency of providing patients with necessary medical assistance.
Комплексна програма «Здоров’я Ірпінської міської територіальної громади»
Програма спрямована на впровадження визначених державою напрямів розвитку галузі охорони здоров'я та зумовлено, насамперед:- Необхідність реалізації права кожного громадянина на невід'ємне і непорушне право на охорону здоров'я;- Стратегічним розвитком галузі охорони здоров'я громади;- Розмежуванням медичної допомоги за видами на первинну та вторинну;- Створення передумов для зміцнення та збереження здоров'я населення, а також підвищення рівня ефективності забезпеченості пацієнтів необхідною медичною допомогою.
Local government policy is aimed at supporting small and medium-sized businesses. Community has Unified permitted Center. Entrepreneurs who have registered their business in the Irpin community have the opportunity to lease land plots at preferential rates. The Irpin Investment Council is actively involved in informational and support activities for small and medium-sized businesses.
After the invasion of russia, total direct losses amounted to 96% of inventory (UAH 190 million) and 42% of fixed assets (UAH 70 million). Today, the company is recovering: new production facilities have been purchased, production premises in Irpin and a warehouse in Vorzel have been leased.
Processing of agricultural raw materials.
One of the largest producers of malt extracts and potato starch in Ukraine, with a fleet of vehicles and specialised machinery, as well as a repair and maintenance facility. The company's production capacity of malt extracts is 20 tonnes per day and starch is about 30 tonnes per day.
Local government policy is aimed at supporting small and medium-sized businesses. Community has Unified permitted Center. Entrepreneurs who have registered their business in the Irpin community have the opportunity to lease land plots at preferential rates. The Irpin Investment Council is actively involved in informational and support activities for small and medium-sized businesses.
After the invasion of russia, total direct losses amounted to 96% of inventory (UAH 190 million) and 42% of fixed assets (UAH 70 million). Today, the company is recovering: new production facilities have been purchased, production premises in Irpin and a warehouse in Vorzel have been leased.
Processing of agricultural raw materials.
One of the largest producers of malt extracts and potato starch in Ukraine, with a fleet of vehicles and specialised machinery, as well as a repair and maintenance facility. The company's production capacity of malt extracts is 20 tonnes per day and starch is about 30 tonnes per day.
Oleksandr Markushyn
Mayor of IrpinE-mail: au.vog.rmi%40nipriTel.: 04597-61-150 - mayor's office
2-a, Shevchenka Str., Irpin,
Bucha district, Kyiv region, 08205
Oleksandr Markushyn
Mayor of IrpinE-mail: au.vog.rmi%40nipriTel.: 04597-61-150 - mayor's office
2-a, Shevchenka Str., Irpin,
Bucha district, Kyiv region, 08205